Volunteer Conflict of Interest Form

Conflict of Interest

Adopted October 7, 2004; Revised January 27, 2021)

APHON has adopted a conflict-of-interest policy with the goal of transparent and appropriate decision-making as to ensure that material transactions and relationships between APHON and those affiliated with APHON are undertaken knowingly and in the best interests of APHON. In general, the conflict of interest policy requires affected individuals to disclose any relationship that could give rise to a real or apparent conflict of interest. A conflict of interest is a transaction between APHON and the affected individual or a related party that could conceivably benefit the individual or the related party financially. For example, if a director’s employer had an opportunity for a contract with APHON, then that presents a conflict of interest. Once a conflict of interest is disclosed, the affected individual may address the group making the decision with respect to the transaction to present the individual’s views. The individual should then recuse himself or herself from the remainder of the discussion, meaning physically leave the room or disconnect from the phone or video call, while the decision-making body discusses and votes on the matter. If the transaction is approved by a majority of the disinterested decision-makers, then it may be undertaken.

Affected individuals include nationally elected officials, appointed committee chairs and members, task force chairs and members, and other individuals acting on behalf of APHON. Related parties with respect to affected individuals include spouses, children, employers, and companies more than five percent owned by the affected individual. Affected individuals shall annually submit this statement with respect to their activities and the activities of related parties.

The conflict of interest policy also prohibits certain situations outlined below, in which conflicts inherent in the situation may harm APHON. These types of situations concern serving on boards or committees of organizations with competing interests.