Annual Election

Annual Election of Board of Directors

Active and Emeritus APHON Members are called to vote in APHON’s Annual election. The election is open from July 18 – August 2, 2024.

Learn More About the Candidates

Have Questions about APHON’s Election Process?

Read the FAQ

This year marks an evolution in our selection process, transitioning from the Nominating Committee to the Leadership Development Committee, a change instituted as part of the 2023 bylaws amendments. This reflects our commitment to fostering leadership and ensuring that our board is composed of individuals who are not only deeply committed to our mission but also bring a wealth of experience and insight to the table.

Read the APHON Bylaws

Learn More about the Candidate Roles

President-Elect (1 position for a 4-year term)

This individual will manage the organization and act as the official representative. The length of term is as follows: 1-year President-elect, 2-years President, and 1-year Past-president (4 years total on board). Specific responsibilities include: leading board meetings and setting the agenda; regular review of committee and board activities; appointing task force/committee chairs; assigning board liaisons to task forces, committees, JOPHON, and other organizations; representing APHON at meetings of other organizations; leading membership meeting – setting agenda; signing contracts with board approval; writing column for newsletter and conference program brochure and program book; and providing mentorship and recognition. Qualifications include 5 years of continuous APHON voting membership, major leadership position within national APHON preferred (may include board member, officer, committee chairperson), history of consistent meeting attendance and successful work outcomes applicable to previous leadership role within APHON, recommendation from an APHON or other nursing leader to whom the candidate has reported, strong collaboration/relationship-building skills, public speaking skills, and commitment to time demands (both from candidate and candidate’s institution).

Download the Quick Facts Sheet

Treasurer (1 position for a 3-year term)

This individual will coordinate the financial management of APHON to assure financial stability and oversee custody of the organization’s funds and budget development. Specific responsibilities include oversight of APHON’s bank accounts, payment of expenses, financial statements, and accounting system, reporting on APHON’s financial status at the annual membership meeting, reviewing the strategic plan for financial implications, ensuring that reporting to the IRS is complete, including the status of local chapters, ensuring that insurance policies and bonding for all signatures on bank accounts are maintained, assisting the Board members and committees in developing budget submissions, manage the staff in the development of the budget, and submission of the budget for Board review and approval. Qualifications include 4 years of continuous APHON membership, demonstrated leadership experience (within national APHON, a local APHON chapter, ONCC, or other nationally recognized nursing organization), history of consistent meeting attendance, and successful work outcomes in a previous leadership role, a recommendation from an APHON or other nursing leader to whom the candidate has reported, strong collaboration/relationship-building skills, and experience in developing and managing a budget (i.e., management position) as well as knowledge of investments preferred.

Download the Quick Facts Sheet

Director-at-Large (2 positions for a 3-year term)

This individual will assist in managing the general affairs of APHON and participate in policymaking decisions of the board. Specific responsibilities include participating in formulating annual goals and objectives of the organization, reviewing the strategic plan for continued organizational development, voting on all policies affecting membership, approving the yearly budget, serving as liaison to committees as assigned by the president, supporting and encouraging growth and development of assigned liaison committee chair(s), submitting reports to the board, and attending board meetings. Qualifications include 2 years of continuous APHON voting membership, demonstrated leadership experience (within national APHON, a local APHON chapter, ONCC, or other nationally recognized nursing organization), history of consistent meeting attendance, and successful work outcomes in a previous leadership role, a recommendation from an APHON or other nursing leader to whom the candidate has reported, and strong collaboration/relationship-building skills.

Download the Quick Facts Sheet

If you would like to be considered as a candidate or nominate a candidate for a future open position on the APHON Board, please respond to the next open call for candidates that will take place in Q1 2025.