
Committees & Taskforces 

APHON is a volunteer-driven organization led by many wonderful and talented members that lend their expertise to the association.

All APHON committee positions are currently filled. Please watch for a future call for volunteers where we will share what talents and skills are needed. At that time, if you’re interested in volunteering, please fill out our Willingness to Serve form.


Serves as a vehicle for establishing and carrying out policy priorities identified in the APHON Health Policy Agenda.

Chair: Emily Padgett, BSN RN CPN CPHON®
Past Chair: Katherine Donahue, CPHON®, CPNP, RN
Committee Members:

  • Kim Arnold, DNP, APRN, CPNP, CPHON®
  • Susie Burke, RN MA CPNP CPHON®
  • Jordan Nixon, DNP APRN CPNP
  • Erin Friedman, BSN RN CPHON®
  • Laura Koke,  BSN RN CPN CPHON®
  • Joan O’Hanlon Curry, DNP MS RN CPNP-PC NEA-BC CPON® FAAN
  • Jami Gattuso, MSN RN CPON® FAPHON
  • Kari Wheeler, BSN RN BMTCN® CPHON® CPN
  • Stacy Whiteside, APRN MS CPNP-AC/PC CPON®
  • Karen Wohlgezogen, BSN CPHON®
    Board Liaison: Amy Newman, PhD CPNP-BC CPHON®

Annual Conference Program Planning

Plans and implements the annual conference each year.

Chair: Kathy Perko, MS CHPPN CPNP CPON®
Vice Chair: Deborah S. Echtenkamp, MSN RN CPON® FAPHON
Paper and Poster Co-Chair: Kitty Montgomery, PhD RN CNS
Committee Members:

  • Kristin M. Belderson, DNP MS RN CPON®
  • Mindy Bibart, RN
  • Marika Highberger, MSN APRN BMTCN® CPNP-PC
  • Alexandra Giralt Hughes, DNP APRN ACCNS-P CPHON®
  • LeighAnna Hutchinson, DNP APRN FNP-C
  • Allyson Jones, RN CPN CPHON®
  • Denise Mills, MN NP CPHON®
  • Stacy Whiteside, APRN CPON®
    Board Liaison: Amy Haskamp MSN RN PCNS-BC CPON® CHPPN

Chemotherapy/Biotherapy Provider Program

Ensures compliance with educational design criteria for APHON educational programs and policies and procedures for the Pediatric Chemotherapy and Biotherapy Provider Program.

Chair: Terri L. Boyce, DNP APRN CPNP-AC CPHON® BMTCN®  
Past Chair: Anne Marie Sterk, MSN RN CPON®  
Committee Members:

  • Kristin M. Belderson, DNP MS RN CPON®
  • Karen Kestenbaum, DNP APN CPHON®
  • Shannon Koty, MSN-NL, RN, CPN, CPHON®, NPD-BC
  • Christina Knox Conley, MSN,RN, APRN, CPON®
  • Maritza Salazar-Abshire, MED MSN RN CPON®
  • Michelle Tolley, BSN RN CPHON®
    Board Liaison: Mary Newman, MSN RN CPON®

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force

The DEI Task Force supports the vision of APHON being a diverse and inclusive professional community that values and serves the distinct experiences and needs of members and their patients and families.

Chair: Janice Nuuhiwa, MSN RN NPD-BC CPHON®
Committee Members:

  • Sara Davis, RN 
  • Chris Donaghey, MSN CNS RN CPHON®
  • Ijeoma Julie Eche, PhD BMTCN® CPON® FNP-C
  • Erin Friedman, BSN RN CPHON®
  • Peggy L. Townsend, MS BSN CPON®
  • Elizabeth Yarbrough, BSN CPN CPHON®
    Board Liaison: Dyane Bunnell, DNP, APRN, AOCNS®, CPON®, NPD-BC 

Education Provider Unit

Ensures compliance with ANCC-COA Educational Design Criteria for APHON educational programs, awards continuing education credit to eligible participants completing APHON educational programs, provides expertise, advice, and consultation on ANCC-COA criteria to APHON committees and task forces developing educational programs with continuing education credit.

Chair: Kristin M. Belderson, DNP MS RN CPON®
Committee Members:

  • Anne Marie Sterk, MSN RN CPON®
  • Kathy Perko, MS CHPPN CPNP CPON®
    Board Liaison: Amy Haskamp MSN RN PCNS-BC CPON® CHPPN

Evidence-Based Practice/Research

Supports the development of Evidence-Based Practice Guidelines and supports research activities within the membership optimizing outcomes for children, adolescents, and young adults with cancer and blood disorders.

Chair: Micah Skeens, PhD PNP RN
Past Chair: M Danielle Gunter, PhD RN
Committee Members:

  • Lisa Bashore, PhD RN CPNP CPON®
  • Marika Highberger, MSN RN CPNP
  • Gwendolyn Kimball, DNP CPON®
  • Amanda Lulloff, PhD RN PCNS CPHON®
    Board Liaison: Ijeoma Eche PhD BMTCN® CPON® FNP-C

Oversees organizational international outreach and global presence.

Global Outreach

Chair: Linda Abramovitz, MSN RN BMTCN®
Immediate Past Chair: Janie Avila, BSN RN CPON®
Committee Members:

  • Heidi Abendroth, MSN CPNP CPHON®
  • Mariana Durañona
  • Jessica Graef, MSN MA CPHON®
  • Rachael Kunkel, RN CPHON®
  • Colleen M. Nixon, MSN RN CPHON®
  • Richard John Ramos, PNP MS RN CNS CPON®
  • Maritza Salazar-Abshire, MED MSN RN CPON®
  • Paola Viveros Lamas, RN
    Board Liaison: Sharon Bergeron, BSN RN CPON®

Global Outreach — Sub-committee Members
Participants in a subcommittee only.

  • Shirley Behm, MSN RN FNP CPHON®
  • Holly Caldwell, RN
  • Julia M. Challinor, PhD RN
  • Joan O’Hanlon Curry, DNP MS RN CPNP-PC NEA-BC CPON® FAAN
  • Lauri Linder, PhD APRN CPON® FAAN FAPHON
  • Lizza Lopez, RN
  • Kasey Rangan, MSN CPNP CPHON®
  • Lorena Segovia Weber, RN

Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nursing (JOPHON)

Oversees the overall content and quality of the Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses and the overall coordination of manuscripts and content.

Editor: Kristin A. Stegenga, PhD RN CPON®
Assistant Editors: Suzanne Ameringer, PhD RN & Casey Hooke, PhD CNS APRN CPON®

Editorial Board Members:

  • Laura Clarke-Steffen, PhD RN
  • Deborah B. Crom, PhD RN CPNP
  • Elizabeth A. Duffy, DNP RN CPNP
  • Faith Gibson, PhD RGN ONC®
  • Joan E. Haase, PhD RN
  • Pamela S. Hinds, PhD RN FAAN
  • Kimberly Pike-Grimm, PhD RN CNS
  • Lauri Linder, PhD APRN CPON®
  • Catherine Fiona MacPherson, PhD RN CPON®
  • Belinda N. Mandrell, PhD RN PNP
  • Ida M. (KI) Moore, DNS RN FAAN
  • Audrey E. Nelson, PhD RN
  • Amy Newman, PhD CPNP-BC CPHON®
  • Deborah Tomlinson, MS RSCN RGN Dip Cancer Nursing
  • Janice Withycombe, PhD RN MN, CCRP
  • Roberta L. Woodgate, PhD RN
    Board Liaisons: Amy Newman, PhD CPNP-BC CPHON® & Ijeoma Eche PhD BMTCN® CPON® FNP-C

ACE Center Committee

Oversees the development of content and management and ongoing maintenance of the APHON Continuing Education (ACE) Center. 

Chair: Beth Fisher, DNP CPNP APRN CPON®
Immediate Past Chair: Rebecca W Manes, MSN RN
Committee Members:

  • Kathleen Ackerman, CNS RN
  • Kristin M. Belderson, DNP MS RN CPON® 
  • Karen Kestenbaum, RN
  • Emily Padgett, BSN CPN CPHON®
  • Elizabeth R. Sniderman, MSN NP CPNP-AC CPHON®
    Board Liaison: Amy Newman, PhD CPNP-BC CPHON®

Leadership Development Committee

Oversees the selection of eligible candidates for the annual election of the board of directors and develops a leadership pipeline for future APHON leaders.

Chair: Scarlett Czarnecki, BSN RN CPHON®
Committee Members:

  • Kelly Laschinger, MSN CPNP
  • Kathleen Montgomery PhD RN CNS CPHON®
  • Colleen M. Nixon, MSN RN CPHON®
  • Christina Baggott, PhD RN CPON® PPCNP-BC
  • Micah Skeens, PhD PNP RN
  • Laurel Reiss, MSN CPNP-PC CPHON® RN CNP
    Board Liaison: Janice Nuuhiwa, MSN RN NPD-BC CPHON®

Local Chapter Committee

Enhances communication between chapters and the APHON Board of Directors and coordinates overall chapter activities.

Past Chair: Erin Friedman, BSN RN CPHON®
Committee Members:

  • Amber Bills, MSN RN CPN CPHON®
  • Cecelia A. Gladbach, BSN CPON® BMTCN®
  • Holly Remington Kubaney, MSN PNP-BC CPHON® 
  • Abigail Slaven, RN CPHON®
  • Tonya Ureda, MS RN FNP-NC NE-BC
  • Melody Ann Watral, BS BSN MSN RN CPNP-PC CPON®
  • Stacy Wolf, RN CPNP-AC CPON®
    Board Liaison: Kaye Schmidt, MA RN CPHON®

Professional Development

The APHON Professional Development Committee provides ongoing professional development resources, tools, and learning opportunities for APHON members to advance their careers in the field of pediatric hematology/oncology nursing.

Chair: Meredith Foxx, MSN RN PCNS-BC CPON®
Vice Chair: Breanne Roche DNP APRN CPNP-PC CPHON®
Committee Members:

  • Terri L. Boyce, DNP APRN CPNP-AC CPHON® BMTCN®  
  • Teresa M. Conte, PhD MSN CRNP
  • Debbie Lafond, DNP CHPPN PPCNP-PC CPON®
  • Allison McNeil, BSN CPHON®
  • Kathy Perko, MS CHPPN CPNP CPON®
  • Kathleen Ruccione, PHD MPH RN CPON® FAPHON FAAN
  • Melody A Watral, MSN RN CPNP CPNP-PC
    Board Liaison: Mary Newman, MSN RN CPON

Steering Council

Facilitates the APHON strategic plan in the areas of education, clinical practice, and research. The Steering Council serves as a vehicle for soliciting and presenting initial ideas for projects from APHON members.

Chair: Mylynda Livingston, BSN RN CPON®
Committee Members:

  • Cecelia A. Gladbach, BSN CPON® BMTCN®
  • Kelsey Liburd, DNP, CPNP-AC CPHON® CPN, BSN
  • Maureen Lynch Baker, APRN MSN PCNS-BC CPNP CPON®
  • Robin Pitts, MN FNP-C RN
  • Rosa Rivera, RN
  • Suzanne Smolik, MSN RN CPNP CPON®
  • Tonya Ureda, MS RN FNP-NC NE-BC
  • Kari Wheeler, BSN RN BMTCN® CPHON®
    Board Liaison: Sharon Bergeron, BSN RN CPON®