APHON Distinguished Researcher Award
The Distinguished Research Award is selected annually by the APHON Evidence-Based Practice/Research Committee and presented at the annual conference to an APHON member who has excelled as a nurse scientist.
The recipient of this award receives recognition at the annual conference, in a press release, and an announcement is sent to the recipient’s employer.
Candidates of this award must meet the following criteria:
- APHON member in good standing.
- A sustained program of substantive research that:
- has made a significant contribution to the scientific foundation for pediatric hematology/oncology nursing.
- advanced the care of children with cancer and/or hematological disorders and their families.
- Consistent dissemination of research findings as peer-reviewed journal articles and presentations at regional and national venues.
- Scientific career advancement culminating in substantial funding support (i.e., R-01 level from NIH or major foundation) as a principal investigator.
- Mentorship of an emerging scientist(s) with independent or related programs of research.
- Contributions to APHON and other organizations with a mission to provide optimal care for children with cancer and/or hematological disorders and their families.
- Current members of the EBP/Research Committee are not eligible for this award.
Completed nominations must include two letters of recommendation that elaborate on the above criteria. Candidates will be contacted separately to provide their CV.
Nominations must be submitted by July 25th, 2024
Prior Recipients
- 2022: Verna Hendricks-Ferguson, PhD RN FPCN FAAN
- 2021: Lauri Linder, PhD APRN CPON®
- 2020: Casey Hooke, PhD APRN PCNS CPON® FAAN
- 2019 Janet A. Deatrick, PhD RN FAAN
- 2018 Katherine Patterson Kelly, PhD RN PCNS-BC CPON®
- 2017 Belinda N. Mandrell, PhD RN PNP
- 2016 Wendy Landier, PhD CRNP
- 2012 Ida “Ki” Moore, DNC RN FAAN
- 2011 Marilyn J. Hockenberry, PhD RN PNP-BC FAAN
- 2010 Pamela S. Hinds, PhD RN FAAN
- 2007 Joan Haase, PhD RN