Virtual Pediatric Chemotherapy/Biotherapy Provider Course
February 27 and March 6, 2023
The APHON Pediatric Chemotherapy/Biotherapy Provider Course is the only program that provides nurses with information about how to safely administer chemotherapy and biotherapy to children and adolescents with cancer. Upon successfully completing the course, post-test, and evaluation, participants will receive an APHON Pediatric Chemotherapy and Biotherapy Provider Card. This card validates that the participant has completed the education and demonstrated the knowledge needed to administer chemotherapy and biotherapy agents to pediatric patients.
Course Location & Schedule
The course will be held virtually via Zoom over two days, February 27 and March 6. The course schedule each day is 9:00 am – 6:30 pm Central Standard Time.
Registration Information
Fee: $175 for APHON members | $250 for nonmembers
Four Ways to Register
Hover over each icon for further details on how to register.
Required Course Materials
- The Pediatric Chemotherapy and Biotherapy Curriculum: 4th Edition is the required curriculum for the course. Each course participant is required to purchase a new copy of the curriculum from the APHON bookstore. Please be aware that each curriculum textbook includes a unique exam keycode. A new textbook is required. Please allow up to two weeks for shipping to receive your course book. Orders placed less than two weeks before the course should be done through APHON’s Member Services Department Monday–Friday, 8:00am–5:00pm Central Time, by phone at 855.202.9760. Please be advised that rush shipping charges may apply.
- A reliable computer with video capabilities and a stable internet connection for the live course is required.
What Do Program Participants Receive?
Participants receive instruction on:
- The difference between adult and pediatric cancers
- Clinical trials
- Chemotherapy and biotherapy agents and administration
- Side effects
- Toxicity and symptom management
- Psychosocial issues
- Legal and ethical issues
Join APHON and Save 50%
Provider course registrants that have never been an APHON member may receive a 50% discount on their first year of APHON membership. Registrants will receive an email with information on how to save 50% on their first year of APHON membership after the second day of the course.