Local Chapter Annual Reports

Local Chapter Annual Reports

The 2024 Annual Report submission process will be updated from its previous format. Chapter leadership will receive submission instructions via email. If you have not received these instructions by December 24, or if you have any questions in general, please contact Tiffany.clarke@aphon.org.

APHON Local Chapters must submit specific annual reports to inform the Local Chapter committee about chapter activities and standing during the year. These financial reports are a requirement from the IRS for all corporations involved in specific business transactions.

January 20 Reports include:

IRS Form 1099 Miscellaneous

The IRS requires that your chapter send a 1099-MISC form to vendors and individuals who received payments for taxable services equal to or greater than $600 within a given calendar year. This would also include if you paid out grants, scholarships, and other types of payments. 

IRS Form W-9 — Request for Tax ID Number and Certification

A completed W-9 is required for each individual or business that the chapter paid $600 or more for trades/services. This form requests a taxpayer’s identification number for those engaged in certain trades/services with the Chapter. The details provided will be used to prepare the 1099-Miscellaneous on behalf of individual chapters.

Your APHON Chapter W-9

Please provide your chapter’s most up-to-date W-9.  

February 28 Reports include:

Chapter Financial Reports

The chapter financial reports provide a year-end summary of the chapter’s financial transactions so that the APHON Headquarters office can file your annual IRS tax forms for you. Financial reports must be submitted in an Excel document as provided.

Revenue Less Than 50K – We will file a Form 990-N (e-postcard/electronic filing) for you (this is most common): 

  • Income Statement – List the chapter’s revenue and expenses.  
  • Federal 990 Details
  • Bank Accounts – Please conduct a health check of your bank accounts and who has access. There should be at least two individuals on every financial account. It is easy to forget to update accounts so please use this as a reminder to validate what accounts the chapter has and that elected board members have access as signers. Also, no one from APHON Headquarters needs to be signers on the account if you have multiple signers.

Revenue 50K or Greater – We will file a Form 990 (this is less common): 

  • Balance Sheet/Statement of Financial Position – List the chapter assets and liabilities. 
  • Income Statement – List the chapter’s revenue and expenses.  
  • Federal 990 Details – Get more direction from John/Kristie 
  • UBIT – This is to detail what the IRS calls unrelated bU.S. iness income tax. It is for commercial activities that the IRS does not consider related to a charitable mission such as advertising or merchandise sales. If you are unsure, add it to the list and the accountants will confirm. 
  • Bank Accounts – Please conduct a health check of your bank accounts and who has access. There should be at least two individuals on every financial account. It is easy to forget to update accounts so please use this as a reminder to validate what accounts the chapter has and that elected board members have access as signers. Also, no one from APHON Headquarters needs to be signers on the account if you have multiple signers.  
  • Provide a copy of your December Year-End Bank Statement.

990 Authorization Form OR 990 Release Form (U.S. chapters only) 

  • All U.S. chapters must sign the 990 Authorization form in order for the APHON Headquarters staff to complete and submit the chapter’s U.S. tax forms. This form must be filled out and signed by an officer. APHON will not be able to process the chapter’s tax return without the form being submitted. 
  • APHON chapters that do not wish for APHON Headquarters to prepare and submit their 990 tax forms need to submit the release form. This form states that the chapter plans to file the tax return independently. This is very rare. 

APHON will complete the chapter U.S. tax forms based on the information provided on your financial reports. 

Chapter Activity Report

The chapter activity report provides a summary of the chapter activities over the past year. This report is meant to communicate all the amazing activities that your chapter has accomplished. It also helps inform us where chapters need additional support and resources.  

Chapter Membership Roster

The chapter membership roster provides a list of current members of the local chapter. All pediatric hematology/oncology RNs must be members of APHON National to be considered a member of a local chapter. Non-pediatric hematology/oncology RNs or other disciplinary professionals may be associate members of the local chapter. Associate members are not required to be a member of APHON National. Any pediatric hematology/oncology RN that is not a member of APHON National is considered a guest participant of the chapter. Guests are not entitled to member benefits of the local chapter.

Officers’ Report

Local chapters are required to provide an updated report following the election of a new board of directors. The State of Illinois requires that chapters have at least 3 officers listed for annual report approval.

While submission of this report is required during the February 28 reporting cycle, it may also be re-submitted anytime throughout the year when there is a change in the chapter leadership. 

Local Chapter Group Subordination Filing Permission for Tax-Exempt Status 

Do you want to continue to be tax-exempt from federal income tax? If yes, fill out this form. 

In September, APHON Headquarters must submit a listing to the IRS documenting our subordinate chapters. This filing allows the IRS non-profit tax-exempt status that has been granted to APHON to be extended to our chapters. 

All chapters must sign the authorization to be included in the group exemption form—this form grants APHON permission to include the chapter in the IRS group 990 tax return. APHON will not be able to process the chapter’s tax return without the form being submitted.

Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication!